Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Probably the end...

If anyone still checks, obviously I lost interest in updating this blog.  I still post some at JoshiFans and that is probably the best place to keep up with current joshi.  I am doing a weekly digest post in the "I LOVE JOSHI" thread in the Purotopia thread at DVDVR.

Also, I found it harder and harder to find stuff I wanted to talk about, so I'm not doing any more BlogTalkRadio shows.  Maybe someone else will pick up the baton?

Oh, and NEO sucks.


Anonymous said...

Fuck NEO.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to see this blog end. It was one of my favorites. I appreciated the schedules and results a lot. Joshi fans is annoying. You are not. Thanks!

1JoshI said...


1JoshI said...
