A lot happened this week. First, the original JoshiFans board, at http://joshifans.com/joshifansforum/index.php is back online and ready for joshi creepiness and fanaticism. Also, a lot of groups ran shows and we had some debuts and title changes and new titles and new "promotions". Several groups ran Osaka along with the usual scattering of shows, so let's get to it.
Ice Ribbon had 3 shows, with another tomorrow. The 17th was a typical house show at their usual small arena in Warabi City, Saitama. Over the weekend, they had two special "produce shows". Saturday the 20th was a special Riho/Seina/Hikari Minami produced show. I think they don't trust any one over 20. After several exhibitions, 12-year old Tsukushi made her formal debut, losing to Minami. Riho, teaming with Chii Tomiya, lost in the main event to Makoto (with Hikaru Shida). Sunday the 21st had them in Osaka at the World Building. This show was produced by "Muscle Venus", featuring Tsukasa Fujimoto, Hikaru Shida, and Miyako Matsumoto, who came to joshi via a reality show/movie. The semi-main saw Shida with too big of a challenge, losing to NEO ace Yoshiko Tamura. The main event saw a title change, as Matsumoto won the ICEx60 championship from Fujimoto.
In addition to Ice Ribbon, WAVE and Ringstars magazine ran shows at Osaka World Building, with JWP to follow tomorrow. At the WAVE show, Sakura Hirota invoked the "you can recycle gimmicks after seven years" rule of pro-wres and created a new gimmick title. Back in the day, there was the HHH Championship, a parody of the AAAW title that was GAEA's main belt. Now there's the WA Championship, a red construction paper mockery of the classic WWWA Championship, aka the Red Belt that was AJW's main prize. Hirota unveiled this belt at the WAVE show on Saturday and summarily lost it to Yumiko Hotta, who is now the only wrestler to hold both red belts. Hotta was gracious enough to smile and get photographed with it, but defending it was out of the question, so Hirota tried her luck on Sunday at the Ringstars show against young Kagetsu (aka Yukari Ishino from Sendai Girls). Kagetsu needed only three minutes to win her first "title". Unfortunately Shu Shibutani was injured, with a possible broken eye socket from Kana :(
The main event of WAVE saw Toshie Uematsu, Ran Yu-Yu, and Ryo Mizunami beat GAMI, Mio Shirai, and Io Shirai by 2 falls to one. The rest of the Ringstars show saw Ayumi Kurihara win the POK Championship (aka butt-bumping in a "sumo" ring), Kana Mask draw with Ring*Star (Fuuka?), and the main event with the four SHIMMER-bound joshi wrestlers in action. In a bit of an upset, Tomoka Nakagawa and Hiroyo Matsumoto beat covergirl A*YU*MI and Misaki Ohata, with Tomoka pinning Ayumi.
Then the "Osaka Girls" promotion had their first show. It's not really a promotion, as they only got three trainees and only one survived to get her debut. So it was basically a "GAMI and her friends" show. The rookie got to main event her debut. Her name is Sawako Shimono and she's a pretty stout young lady. She lost to fellow Osaka native Kagetsu. GAMI then challenged Kagetsu to a tag match at the June Osaka show. It will be "Large Women" (GAMI & Shimono) vs Sendai Girls (Kagetsu and partner to be determined).
NEO had a house show in Chiba on Thursday, with a horrifyingly weak card that should cause PUNQ to question his will to review every puroresu show ever. The semi-main was Tamura vs Tanny Mouse (lol, Tamura won) and the main event was Kyoko Inoue and Makoto vs Aya Yuki and Toshie Uematsu (Big Momma powerbombed Yuki). Passion Red had their 4th show on Friday, moving from Itabashi Green Hall to the somewhat bigger Shin-Kiba 1st Ring. Haruka Matsuo showed up to be the ring announcer and get christened as "Passion Matsuo". Emi Sakura beat Passion Ray, then it turned into a red slaughter. Passion Hottei pyramid drivered Uematsu in a mixed tag. Nanae Takahashi pinned Ryo Mizunami in a 6-woman tag, then in the main event Natsuki*Taiyo retained the NEO High Speed title over Tomoka Nakagawa.
Next week we have the conclusion of league play in the JWP OCC League, a new JWP Tag Team champion will be crowned, Shuri (the former KG) will face Meko Satomura at the SMASH debut show, either Makoto or Hikaru Shida will become the #1 Contender in Ice Ribbon, and Fuka will retire! You can buy "FUKA's BIBLE" from Ringstars.
MICHINOKU PRO March 16, 2010
Odate Citizen Gymnasium
1. Great Sasuke & Fuuka vs Kesen Numajiro & Ayumi Kurihara
ICE RIBBON March 17, 2010
Warabi City Isami Wrestle Budokan
56 Fans
1. Miyako Matsumoto defeated Chii Tomiya (8:24) with the Miya Here Clutch.
2. Hikaru Shida defeated Hamuko Hoshi (6:55) with the Three Count.
3. Makoto, Mio Shirai, & Io Shirai defeated Yuki Miyazaki, Emi Sakura, & Tsukasa Fujimoto (16:18) when Makoto used a Cradle on Fujimoto.
NEO March 18, 2010
Chiba South Boso Ichimaru Gymnasium
206 Fans
1. Tsubasa Kuragaki defeated Senri Kuroki (8:44) with an Argentine Backbreaker.
2. Three Way Match: Mr. Buddhaman defeated Hiroyo Matsumoto & Tsubo Genjin (7:45) with a Schoolboy on Genjin.
3. Mima Shimoda defeated Yuki Miyazaki (10:53) with a Tiger Suplex Hold.
4. Yoshiko Tamura defeated Tanny Mouse (15:33) with the Tomore Clutch.
5. Kyoko Inoue & Makoto defeated Toshie Uematsu & Aya Yuki (19:18) when Inoue used a Powerbomb on Yuki.
PASSION RED "4PASSION" March 19, 2010
Shin-Kiba 1st Ring
300 Fans
1. Emi Sakura defeated Passion Ray (11:47) with a Second Rope Nyan Nyan Press.
2. Passion Hottei & Ikuto Hidaka defeated Toshie Uematsu & Munenori Sawa (10:54) when Hottei used a Pyramid Driver on Uematsu.
3. Nanae Takahashi, Fuuka, & Kazumi Shimouma defeated Aja Kong, Yoshiko Tamura, & Ryo Mizunami (23:21) when Takahashi defeated Mizunami with an Iku Bomb.
4. NEO High Speed Championship: Natsuki*Taiyo defeated Tomoka Nakagawa (19:07) with the Taiyo-Chan Bomb. Taiyo is successful in the 1st defense.
ICE RIBBON March 20, 2010
Warabi City Isami Wrestle Budokan
Riho/Seina/Hikari Minami Produce
76 Fans
1. Tsukushi Debut: Hikari Minami & Tsukasa Fujimoto defeated Tsukushi & Kazumi Shimouma (12:50) when Minami used the Blockbuster on Tsukushi.
2. Ribbon Takanashi defeated Miyako Matsumoto (7:53).
3. Makoto & Hikaru Shida defeated Riho & Chii Tomiya (16:20) when Makoto pinned Riho.
WAVE March 20, 2010
Osaka World Building
204 Fans
1. Moeka Haruhi vs Kagetsu (15:00) went to a time-limit draw.
2. Cherry & Kana defeated Bullfight Sora & Shu Shibutani (16:19) when Kana used a Uraken on Sora. (Shu got potatoed by Kana)
3. Yumi Ohka & Mima Shimoda defeated Hiroyo Matsumoto & Misaki Ohata (14:59) when Okha used a Tiger Suplex Hold on Ohata.
4. WA Championship: Yumiko Hotta defeated Sakura Hirota (7:54) with the Pyramid Driver. Hotta becomes the 1st champion. (The WA Championship is a parody of the WWWA "Red Belt" that Hirota made).
5. Best 2 of 3 Falls: Toshie Uematsu, Ran Yu-Yu, & Ryo Mizunami defeated GAMI, Mio Shirai, & Io Shirai (20:17) by 2 falls to one.
5a. Yu-Yu defeated Io (1:35) with a Forearm Smash.
5b. GAMI defeated Mizunami (12:18) with the Adios Amiga.
5c. Uematsu defeated Mio (6:24) with a Dragon Suplex Hold.
ICE RIBBON March 21, 2010
Warabi City Isami Wrestle Budokan
Muscle Venus Produce
135 Fans
1. Tanny Mouse defeated Tsukushi (5:56) with a Kasado-Ra Crush.
2. Elimination Match: Riho, Kazumi Shimouma, & Chii Tomiya defeated Emi Sakura, Makoto, & Hikari Minami (14:19).
2a. Minami eliminated Tomiya (10:19) with the Blockbuster.
2b. Riho eliminated Minami (10:56) with the Riku Ribbon.
2c. Shimouma eliminated Makoto (12:47).
2d. Riho & Shimouma eliminated Sakura (14:19) by Over the Top Rope.
3. Yoshiko Tamura defeated Hikaru Shida (11:17) with a Rolling Senton
4. ICEx60 Championship: Miyako Matsumoto defeated Tsukasa Fujimoto (11:20) with the Miya Here Clutch. Fujimoto fails in the 4th defense and Matsumoto becomes the 6th champion.
RINGSTARS March 21, 2010
Osaka World Building
204 Fans
1. POK Championship Decision Match: Ayumi Kurihara defeated Yumi Ohka, Moeka Haruhi, Aya Yuki, Hiroyo Matsumoto, Mio Shirai, Io Shirai, Sakura Hirota, & Bullfight Sora. Kurihara becomes the 2nd POK (butt-bumping) champion.
2. Asami Kawasaki & Cherry vs Aya Yuki & Ryo Mizunami (20:00) went to a time-limit draw.
3. WA Championship: Kagetsu defeated Sakura Hirota (3:25) with a Back Flip. Kagetsu becomes the 2nd champion.
4. Kana Mask vs RING*STAR (10:00) went to a time-limit draw.
5. Chikayo Nagashima & Sonoko Kato defeated Mio Shirai & Io Shirai (18:43) when Nagashima used a Fisherman's Buster on Io.
6. Tomoka Nakagawa & Hiroyo Matsumoto defeated A*YU*MI & Misaki Ohata (17:55) when Nakagawa used the Australian Arm on A*YU*MI.
OSAKA GIRLS PRO March 21, 2010
Osaka World Building
Debut Show
204 Fans
1. Kana defeated "Goddess Girl" (4:23) with a German Suplex Hold. (Shu behind mask?)
2. Keito defeated Aya Yuki (14:03) with a Modified Shubain.
3. Command Bolshoi & Ran Yu-Yu vs GAMI & Police-woman (30:00) went to a time-limit draw.
4. Shimono Debut: Kagetsu defeated Sawako Shimono (13:09) wiht a Back Flip.
Matsuyama Community Center
1. Ranmaru vs Tomoko Morii
2. Mr. Buddhaman vs Pretty Ota
3. Jaguar Yokota & Kaoru Ito vs Manami Toyota & Hanako Kobayashi
4. Nanae Takahashi vs Ayako Sato
5. Yumiko Hotta & Takako Inoue vs Mima Shimoda & Natsuki*Taiyo
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